Monday, September 21, 2009

Good Grief

Tried to take quiz at home. "Submit" button doesn't exist. Email professor. He is nice. He resets quiz. Must retake by 2 pm. Only have 20 minutes. Scurry to the building my class is in. Get out lap top. Internet not working. Try to connect. Still not working. 8 minutes left. Run upstairs of building. Lap top battery dead. Find outlet to plug into. Load computer. Stupid updates begin. Tell updates to suck it. 4 minutes left. Connect to internet succesful. Load blackboard. Load quiz. 3 minutes. Still haven't STARTED quiz. Quiz loads. 10 questions. Good think I did reading. Zip through questions in 1 minute 41 seconds. Scroll down.


Cry daily.

Go to class. Professor pat on head and say computers are hard. Retake hard copy of quiz. Don't fail 5% of grade.

Good day.


Jacie Saltzman said...

hahaha i love it. story of my life

Willi Nixon said...

haha amber, this WOULD happen to you. good thing you have nice professors. those dont exist in dental school.

Amber said...

yeah thats actually for a capstone class and a lot of folks take it on their way to law school. i work 20 hours a week for him reviewing his literature so he has to be nice to me... he he