Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Little Things

Man. It's the little things that really make the biggest difference. Today I had job interviews, a luncheon with a renown Sociologist from Univ Michigan, and a dinner with some prevalent church leaders. Point being, I had to wear heels and a skirt today.
Anyone who knows me, knows I don't function well in heels.
As I was slowly (and loudly) clunking my way to the SWKT this afternoon, this man held the door for me even though I was still really far away. Made my day.


Emily said...

Dear Amber Brown,
You are wonderful. Nicole and I just talked about how lovely and amazing and splendid you are. I think you should know...YOU ARE LOVED :)

Em :)

Willi Nixon said...

:) amber. you always seem to find amazing opportunities where you meet important people. I'm jealous. I had a dream about you, and your dad. He mailed me $100 and you were mad and you cried. :)

Anna said...

Aw :)

Tender mercies..

Amber- you really make me want to go back to school! I totally regret blowing off college now! I want to be as cool as you!