Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

First,  I can't even believe all of the things that happened in 2011. Some of our favorites (or just big) moments:
- leaving Provo behind. Which was weird-- it's where we met, it's where the majority of our friends were, it's where essentially all of our memories together were. Despite it's bubble-ness, there are so  many memories from Prov that I will treasure forever-- hiking hot springs, driving around university, going to Smiths at 3am for frozen pizzas, hiking, snowboarding, or snow shoeing all through the mountains, running through the canyon, BYU, or just hanging with some of our pals, etc.
- moving to China-- everything with China happened so fast. We decided in mid December that we were going to go, turned in all of our paperwork, got our visas, and were gone within a month. I NEVER had a desire to go there, still can't believe I went there, and still talk about the experience almost every day. We LOVED every day in China and met so many lovely people, saw some amazing sites, taught some funny little Chinese kids. We can't wait to get back there.

- traveling through south Asia-- we got attacked by monkeys, visited several temples, snorkeled our brains out, sat on the beach, walked through some questionable areas, played with elephants and tigers, rode ATV's and scooters all over the place

- moving to Miami. We found out 2 days before we had to leave that we were moving to Miami. One of those days we were at Lake Powell and the other one we were driving home from Powell. We literally loaded up the car with everything that would fit, and hit the road. which leads me to...

- purchasing our first car. Which was also rather spontaneous and happened because we drove our non air conditioned black jeep from Utah to Oklahoma and just about died. We got to Oklahoma and bought the first car we could get our hands on (thanks again dad) and drove the rest of the way to miami in the pleasantries of the quiet air conditioned car. 

- taking the LSAT- can't believe thats over and can't believe I got through it. 

- our first thanksgiving without family, which went off without a hitch I am pleased to report. 

- turning 24 and 27. I'm sure when we are 40 we'll look back and think how young we were, but i still can't believe how old we are. I still feel like i'm 12. 

2011 was honestly one of the best years of my life. There were definitely hard times, but they were well balanced with lots of good times and so many experiences that helped us to grow. So here's to 2011! Way to go 2011. You were good to us. 
Happy New Year one and all!

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