Dear America,
I'm sorry I spent your birthday on trains, planes, buses, and in airports. I want to tell you the reasons I love you.
1) the 10 second rule exists here. There are many countries who do not enjoy this luxury, where food goes to waste when it falls to the floor. Some people in America even extend the 10 second rule to minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months.
2) I can walk barefoot here without worrying about contracting hepatitis.
3) You let me turn on a faucet, almost anywhere in the country, and I can drink water without dying.
4) You don't ever turn off my electric, water, and/or gas for lengthy periods of time and/or without warning.
5) In the majority of the country, on a sunny day, I can actually see the sun.
6) You have time zones! So the sun doesn't ever rise at the ungodly hour of 4a.m.
7) You offer free education to all, despite race, sex, economic circumstances. I never understood what a gift that is until I saw little kids working on the street as shoe shiners bc their families couldn't afford school.
8) Health care. I don't care what anyone says about how bad your health care system is, America. It's got it's nasty side, thats for sure, but I feel safe knowing if I bust my head open, there is some competent doctor who can fix it.
9) Your food is outstanding! No wonder there are so many large, large people.
10) You are beautiful from sea to shining sea.
11) You let me say what I want, believe what I want, marry who I want, live where I want, have the job I want.
I love you America. For your birthday this year, I won't take you for granted. Here's to 235 outstanding years.
P.S. I'm still posting here: until I'm all caught up on China and Thailand adventures