Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas Present... Christmas Past

My ward Christmas party. I was 'Charlie Brown' in the play. Or Amber Brown.
We built a ginger bread fort.

This is the last Sunday of the semester, and the first time all of the roommates went to church together.

The rest are all from last year. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Some of these were taken early in the am at Utah Lake with Heather
This was a little berry tree just outside my kitchen window

The Family ( - Pep and Arch) and Temple Square, Unfortunately Dad is taking this picture as usual and is therefore not in it :( Relaxing after a rough trip to temple square (see previous blog post)

The magnificent Salt Lake temple

Rock Canyon Park

Provo Temple Nativity

My mom has owned this nativity for as long as I can remember. It is my favorite! I always loved playing with it (especially the little sheep) when i was little and... i still do. I was so excited that she brought it out to Provo when my family came.

1 comment:

Anna said...

Merry Christmas Amber Brown!