Saturday, December 3, 2011

Post Partum

It's a funny thing, being married. If there is anything remotely abnormal going on in your life, people automatically assume you are pregnant. At least that has been my experience. Allow me to demonstrate.

If I said I'm tired (in more words, for my facebook status two days ago) then I must be pregnant.

If I say I'm sick, without fail someone will tell me I'm pregnant. (Specifically, I am referring to having a bad case of food poisioning whilest in China. I should definitely not have talked to my parents during this time, who had me convinced I was pregnant. I could think of nothing worse than being a white female pregnant in rural China.)

Thursday at work I said I'm hungry and was told I'm pregnant.

If I have to use the bathroom, I'm obviously pregnant.

If I'm fatter than I was when I was 12, I must be pregnant.

Now I know what some of you are thinking (mom), that because I began this blog post this way, I must be pregnant. Alas, I am not. But it does make me giggle to think that I can't be tired, sick, hungry, fat, or have to pee, without being pregnant. 

Though mildly unrelated, I would like to take this time to equate my experience studying for the LSAT with being pregnant.

Pregnancies and studying for the LSAT have the following in common:
- lasts several months
- makes you fatter
- makes you cry over silly things
- makes you irritable
- occupies the majority of your thoughts
- promotes over eating
-increased stress
- no motivation to do anything

Though elated at the idea of the LSAT being over and the thought of enjoying the sunshine state in which I live, I can't help but feel a bit of sadness that its over. Ridiculous? Yes! I shall equate it to the "baby blues" (moodiness suffered by many a new mom).
So, I'm not pregnant. But i did just have an LSAT baby. And now I am going to play on the beach.

Expect several posts this week-- I have like 5 drafts that I wrote over the past few weeks but was too busy studying to finish them up. Cheers.


Jacie Saltzman said...

hahah so true. story of my life. except about the LSAT... i could say it for grad school applications

Willi Nixon said...

hahhaha I love this. And you. I totally had post partum depression once I was done with all of my boards. And I still do about being graduated. I miss school :(

Nicole said...

that is awesome and verytrue. one day at work i had a dizzy spell and nausea and i kept getting asked if i was prego. nope just sick. but it did freak me out enough to take a preg test. love all things amber and danny.