Sunday, November 6, 2011

Crazies all around

I know I've said before that Miami is full of crazies. Nevertheless, here is another demonstration.

Last night Danny and I went to pick up some photo prints at Walgreens, basically right outside our complex. The weather was calm and cool and it was nice to stretch the legs after an evening of studying. We walk up to a man standing behind the desk at the photo center. He stares. We stare back.
"Yes?" said he.
"We want to pick up our pictures, under Danny Masters."
"Mnfdskj fdkjh skskjdfh" mumbled softly under his breath as he picks up the phone.
I stare at Danny. He stares back at me. The guy leaves. We stand there staring some more.
A customer comes up behind me, literally pushing me out of the way with her arm telling me that her stuff is on the counter. I laugh because I am so surprised that I literally got pushed and because she's old. I'm annoyed. I feel like I'm in China again. I look at Danny to make sure he saw the lady.
He says, "I feel like I'm in China right now."
I laugh.
Another Walgreen's worker comes behind the counter.
The crazy lady refers to the worker as "mommy" and "baby" in consecutive sentences which I don't really get.
"How you doing mommie? You got my pictures ready baby?"
The worker is non responsive.
The lady asks again if her pictures are ready. The worker shakes her head slightly which I assume means no. Danny tells her that we are picking up photos. She stares at him. He tells her his name. She starts looking. She can only find two of our orders. She looks at us inquisitively.
"Well... can you keep looking? We got emails telling us they were done."
She doesn't respond but keeps looking.
The crazy lady asks me if I bought my shoes in America.
In a very New York accent, "You're kidding me?? Those? Look at mine!"
I look down. We are wearing eerily similar shoes. I look back up and can't help but notice her yellow/brown teeth, a couple of which are missing, and her pink lipstick which is smeared outside of the line of her lips.
"How much did you pay?" she asks
"No kidding?? Where?"
"OMG. Mine were $22!"
I smile. I'm feeling softer towards her.
"Is this your boyfriend honey?"
I look at Danny. "No this is my husband."
"OH!! How cute! That is so cute. You are an adorable couple."
We both laugh. Even though we are feeling about five years old having been told we are cute for being married.
"Where are you from mommie?"
In an ultra boisterous voice "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOklahoma where the wind comes sweepin down the plane. Where the whk dsfkj sdfkjs can sure sfdjk fdshjk, OOOOOOklahoma!"

Everyone in the store is looking at us.


Marianne and Brad said...

haha. You are SOOO cute for being married!!! Seriously, are we twelve?

Anna said...

I only wish you'd have said, "We should get a PICTURE together with our matching shoes!"

Nicole said...

how are ALL of your stories so funny???!!!! gagAGA?