Sunday, November 13, 2011

Random Acts of Kindness

Friday I went with Danny to campus so I could take a practice LSAT (since I'm taking the real one there). When we got home, we were about to walk into our building with this pint sized old man wearing a fisherman's hat came running full speed at the door... to open it for us. Our hands weren't full or anything. In this city of "ilookoutformyowndon'tlookatmedon'ttalktome" I found this somewhat puzzling and stood there with my mouth gaped open.
We of course said thank you, and went past the elevators to check our mail. Returning to the elevators, he was standing there, waiting for us and holding the doors. We pushed our floor number and he didn't push another number, so we assumed he was going to the same floor as us.
"it's cold today, huh?" he said in a peeping voice.
"Yeah, yeah its a little cold. Not shorts weather" said I, pointing at Danny's shorts [side note, it was prob 75 deg]"Where are you from?"
"Chicago" he replied
"Chicago? Its much colder in Chicago!"
He laughed.
The elevator stopped at our floor.We got off. He didn't. He just didn't want to inconvenience us by having to stop on his floor on the way up.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

i love people! they are so so cool!!