Saturday, July 27, 2013

Gadafi Mosque Part I

I've been pretty surprised at the amount of Indian influence that exists in Uganda. Islam is not the majority religion, but its pretty high, i think like 30% or so. 
It's very uncommon to see Ugandans with much skin showing-- i'm still having a hard time deciding if its because Islam has become such a part of their culture or if they don't want to be eaten alive by mosquito devils. Maybe some of both. 
Anyway, I'm happy about the Indian influence for one major reason: Chapati. Has kept me alive out here. 
This week we met up with our swiss friends from the Nile trip and visited Gadafi's mosque. 

They had us dress in traditional attire. We asked why muslim women have to cover so much, and why they have to pray in a separate area from men: "Because women are powerful like fire and men are like butter and if they don't do this, the men will burn"  and then proceeded to give, in rather explicit detail, sexual attraction issues that arise when women aren't covered or when they pray (which requires bending over). 

Gadafi is kind of a hero around here (at least with the muslim group) in a way similar to how Mao is a hero for the Chinese. 

I was diggin the design

we walked all the way up the spiral-y inside of that building

Marriage ring where they perform marriage ceremonies. 

Loved all the doors. 

Me with my swiss buds

Back to my old American self! Its just a better look for me. 

Annnd a couple of go pro shots of one of the prayer rooms. 

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