Thursday, July 18, 2013

NYC and Egypt

We landed in NYC at a ripe 5am after 2 nights without sleep (the night previous spent at Lake Powell with a weirdly hot wind storm.. i am pretty sure the wind was like 110 degrees, we were dying) so by the time we got to Pep and Archie we were like zombies. Peps gave us a detailed route of how to get to her house by subway which was an adventure in and of itself, and luckily she did because i dont think we had the brains to figure it out at the time, ha. They were suuper kind and took us around the city, brand new babe and all. We hit up central park and the delicious Shake Shack and life was good. 
I really think I could sit at a bench at Central Park for the rest of my life and be entertained. so many characters. 
Notable ones: 
1. Crazy lady walking by as Archie got bit by a mosquito and slapped it away said: "Thats what you get!" She had her two front teeth... only. Pictured here: 
2. Pepper was feeding Ren on the bench and a man came up to canvass for donations for something- can't remember exactly but it was some long pitch and then he looked down at Peps and was said "Ohhh.. uh... i see your busy" and walked away. hahah

P & A's apartment is seriously sweet-- overlooking the statute (statue? law school has ruined me) of liberty 

Cairo, Egypt, on the other hand, was a major bust! Could they not wait a couple of weeks to start rioting until after we had traveled there?? Didn't they know it was my dream to see the pyramids, etc? Blast. We were trapped in the airport for 10 hours instead of getting to fulfill our life dreams. But.. oh well. At least we didn't get kidnapped or murdered. And there were some cool things we saw from the plane and airport windows. The schools there, instead of having grassy soccer fields etc have painted white chalk lines depicting the field boundaries. The city looked sweet! and dirty. from above.
I have to admit it was a little freaky boarding our plane from JFK (9/11 anyone?) to Egypt (currently warring). We were some of the only Americans on the plane, so a tad unnevering. Nevertheless, we survived and made it to Entebbe!

how we spent a good chunk of the day, besides talking to our new egyptian friends in the airport:

and a sneak peak of Uganda which will be coming next: 

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