Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Queen Elizabeth (1)

We drove through Queen Elizabeth Ntl Park on our way home from Bwindi (thanks Professor Daniels!!) and it was off the hook. 
Instead of paying $300+ for a safari, our driver drove us around. Which I think is what you do on a safari. ha. He told us that he used to drive from Kampala (where we were staying before, you might recall) to Queen Elizabeth every weekend for 2 years. So he knew all the great places where we would most likely see sweet animals like:

Rafiki and his fam members:


and a million more animals which will be coming in upcoming posts. The elephants were sweet- you could walk right up to them. And they were evvverywhere. 

We got to do a boat tour (thanks again Professor Daniels) through the Kazinga channel (connects lake Edwards and lake Albert.. I think?) and while we waited for it to begin, we chilled at this posh hotel:

it even had Coke Zero! 

and also honey bees that were the size of humming birds. Seriously. 

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